Degrees and Certifications:
Important: The procedures outlined in this ready reference chart have been developed with input from area emergency response officials and are designed to provide general guidelines. You must be able to apply these procedures with flexibility based upon your assessment of the situation at hand. The more familiar you are with the contents of this ready reference chart, the easier it will be for you to respond calmly, effectively and appropriately for a wide variety of situations.
Secure the Perimeter
When there is a threat or hazard
outside of the school building.Students:
Return to inside of building.
Do business as usual.
Recover students and staff from
outside building.
Increase awareness.
Do business as usual.
Take roll and account for studentsLOCKDOWN!
Locks, Lights, Out of Sight
When there is a threat or hazard inside
the school building.Students:
Move away from sight.
Maintain silence.
Close your locked classroom door.
Lights out.
Move away from sight.
Maintain silence.
Wait for First Responders to open door.
Take roll and account forstudents.EVACUATE!
To the Announced Location
To move students and staff from one
location to another.Students:
Leave stuff behind.
Form a single file or double line.
Be prepared for alternatives.
Take emergency backpack with class
Lead students to evacuation location.
Take roll and account forstudents.SHELTER!
Type & Method
For personal protection.
Types: Hazmat, Tornado, Bomb.Methods:
Seal the Room.
Drop, Cover & Hold.
In Silence
Use Appropriate Method.
Use Appropriate Method.
Take roll and account for students. -
Definition: To rapidly increase the level of security in the facility. Exterior doors and main interior doors are locked to make
it more difficult for an intruder or a dangerous person to gain access to staff and students who can then continue productive
activities, in a limited fashion.Alert Signal: Announcement—“Lockout! Secure the Perimeter.”
Teacher Response:
- Immediately move students from outside into the building
- If you are located in an area with a lockable door, gather students in the vicinity into the room and close your locked door. Classroom doors should already be locked.
- Account for students with Red and Green Cards by placing them under the door or in the window, or report your status to the administrator or designee by e-mail, phone, or intercom as directed.
- Continue with normal activities as much as the situation allows.
- Keep in mind that an incident elsewhere in the building may have triggered a Room Clear followed by a Lockdown.
- If students or staff must move about in the building, first obtain permission from the administrator or designee.
- Be prepared to rapidly implement an Evacuation or Lockdown if directed to do so.
To maintain security, all outside doors, with the exception of the school’s front doors, should be kept locked at all times.